In the 1990’s, Greg, Tim, and Chris Riley began working in the underground utility business as backhoe operators and truck drivers. In 2001, the Brothers decided to merge their companies and Riley Brothers was born. In 2006, we moved our growing business from Quincy to Stoughton, Massachusetts. The new headquarters allows our company to expand by adding employees, equipment, and new utility customers.
To grow our paving and aggregate operations in 2009, we bought an asphalt plant. We quickly became the first utility contractor in New England to offer onsite concrete and vacuum excavation to our customers.
With the company booming, we expanded our Stoughton facility, added an asphalt headquarters, and acquired a new gas operations command center.
With more than 300 employees (and counting), more than 500 pieces of equipment, and four locations, including a state-of-the-art training center, Riley Brothers is one of the largest growing utility contractors in the Boston Area.
In 2020, Riley Brothers became a subsidiary of Peak Utility Infrastructure Provider, expanding our expertise, resources, and capabilities for customers across Massachusetts.